Vote for Sarah Hannan on 1 May!

Lower Teesdale Green Party

nature is in crisis | vote green | vote sarah hannan

Hello and Welcome

I am Sarah Hannan and I care about the countryside.

I am a Green Party Activist in Lower Teesdale and I have been a Parish Councillor in Gainford for the last 15 years.

Durham County Council Elections 1st May

I am standing for election on the 1st May as a Durham County Councillor for the Lower Teesdale area.

Sarah Hannan Green Party DCC candidate

Resident of 19+ Years

I’ve lived in the constituency for 19 years and work as a welfare rights adviser in Middlesbrough.

A Parish Councillor for Gainford and Langton, I championed the provision of fun with food activities after lockdown, sports facilities and allotments in the village.

I have been a vocal opponent of development on green field sites and supportive of development of former industrial areas.

Sarah Hannan Gree Party in Teesdale

British food produced to British standards by British farmers!

My priorities if elected to Durham County Council are:


Tailored to individual needs,  ensuring young people achieve their academic potential, giving them the life skills to live full and happy lives.

Higher education

Providing a range of opportunities, University, Apprenticeships and vocational training with a living wage when on placement.

Good quality housing

Addressing the needs of residents, affordable housing that is truly affordable to buy or rent.

A benefits system for everyone

A universal income giving all people of working age the cash flow to manage their finances whether they rent or own their own home.

Sarah Hannan Lower Teesdale Green Party

Financial support for farmers

Ensuring sustainable food production supporting nature.

Regeneration of town centres

Making them an attractive inviting destination to live, work, visit and shop in.


Well-funded physical, mental and dental healthcare.

Sarah Hannan Green Party DCC candidate

An NHS that's free to all at point of delivery. We have 2 tier dentistry...we DO NOT WANT 2 tier NHS!

Find out more about the County Durham Green Party here

Find out more about the Green Party here