About Us
nature is in crisis | vote green | vote sarah hannan
About Sarah
Sarah Hannan, is the Green Party Council Candidate for Lower Teesdale. Sarah is standing because she is fed up with what politics is doing to this country and the people who live and work in it.
Are You Fed Up?
If you are as fed up Sarah is with the way that ordinary people are treated. If you have never voted because you don’t think your vote matters vote for Sarah. Send a clear message to both Labour and Conservatives that they cannot rely on your vote. Tell them you want representatives that really live in your constituency not just whoever party HQ want to parachute in once they have been selected.
I believe in fair pay for farmers to preserve nature
Welfare Rights Adviser
Sarah has lived in the constituency 20 years with her husband and brought up her two sons in this stunning area. Sarah works as a welfare rights advisor for Middlesbrough Council and has a wealth of experience helping people to claim the benefits they are entitled to and challenging decisions she believes are unfair. Sarah is a long standing Parish Councillor for Gainford and Langton, here she championed the provision of fun with food activities after lockdown, sports facilities and allotments in the village. Sarah has been a vocal opponent of development on green field sites and supportive of development of former industrial areas.
Work & Education
Sarah has degrees in Pharmacology and Law, and worked in the pharmaceutical industry for ten years and shares the pain of anyone who is made redundant like she was when Glaxo took over Wellcome in a hostile takeover.
Abolish the 2-child rule
Why Would You Vote For Me?
Sarah would like you to vote for her because you believe that she will represent you, Sarah will listen to your problems and will raise them with the people that can make a difference. Sarah will tell you what she is going to do and when!
The Bedroom Tax
The bedroom tax affects the North East far more than any other region of the UK and drives working age people into greater poverty, the majority of whom are workers. Sarah wants you to vote for her so that there will be a person in Durham County Council with the knowledge and lived experience to stand up for the people that these decisions affect.
University Tuition Fees
Sarah believes strongly that University Tuition should be free as it is in Scotland.
Tell Me What Affects You
It is not all about what Sarah thinks is wrong with the current system, Sarah needs you to tell her what you, your children and grandchildren need so that she can explain how your priorities could fit with a green agenda.